Wishing everyone a safe and happy Mardi Gras!

Mardi Gras is a big part of the culture in south Louisiana. "Mardi" is the French word for Tuesday, and "gras" means “fat.” In France, the day before Ash Wednesday came to be known as Mardi Gras, or “Fat Tuesday.” Traditionally, in the days leading up to Lent, merrymakers would binge on all the rich, fatty foods—meat, eggs, milk, lard and cheese—that remained in their homes, in anticipation of several weeks of eating only fish and different types of fasting. If you celebrate, LSU Vet Med is wishing everyone a safe and happy Mardi Gras!

Introductory Text

As one of only 33 veterinary schools in the U.S., the mission of LSU Vet Med is to improve and protect the lives of animals and people through superior education, transformational research, and compassionate care.

Dr. Patricia Queiroz and Dean Oliver Garden

Updates from Dean Oliver Garden

Dean's Welcome

Video Archive Email Dean Garden

students in regalia at commencement

Apply to LSU Vet Med

Interested in applying to LSU Vet Med to pursue your Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree, Master's (MS) degree or Doctoral (PhD) degree, Advanced Training (internships or residencies), Externship, or Career (Job Opportunities)?

Please note that MS and PhD candidates do not need to have a research interest in veterinary medicine and research does not need to benefit animals. LSU Vet Med is a biomedical research institution as well as a veterinary school. Our researchers' investigations cover a wide range of disciplines, including cancer biology, disease processes, cardiovascular disease, infectious and parasitic diseases, neurosciences, toxicology, bacteriology, and more.

cat being examined

Veterinary Teaching Hospital

We care for an array of species and see approximately 20,000 cases each year. We offer specialty services as well as primary care. Our comprehensive care allows us to treat a variety of illness and injuries. We are open 24/7, 365 to provide care for your animal.

print making supplies

LSU MOA and LSU Vet Med collaborate to bring new experiences to broader audiences

LSU Vet Med and the LSU Museum of Art have teamed up to bring fresh and engaging experiences to each other. This partnership aims to offer unique activities for both the LSU Vet Med community and visitors to the LSU MOA.

Learn More

veterinary students on a farm caring for goats

Club wetlabs give veterinary students additional hands-on experience

LSU Vet Med club wet labs provide students with the opportunity to get hands-on experience to learn a variety of techniques and work with a variety of species.

Learn More


Bettering lives through education, public service, and discovery


Improving and protecting the lives of animals and people through superior education, transformational research, and compassionate care


Integrity. Compassion. Innovation.