LSU CAS Spring Tutors Receive CRLA Certification
Baton Rouge, La. January 16, 2018 - CAS tutors working in the LSU Shell Tutorial Center completed their training to become certified by the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA). CRLA certification recognizes tutors that have completed a minimum of 10 hours pertaining to tutoring best practices, 50 hours of tutoring and course participation in the subject they are tutoring with an A or B final grade.
Pictured L to R: Sean Rhame, Alan Gurt, Bennett Thomas, William Melito, and Delena
Vanvalkenburg. Not pictured: Ishan Mahrotra, Tyler Nahhas, and Wenxiu Hu.
With this accomplishment, the tutors have the training they need to support the Center for Academic Success' (CAS) mission in promoting self-efficacy and metacognitive development to advance student success.
Topics that may be covered in training include: techniques for successfully beginning and ending a tutor session, modeling problem solving, working with adult learners, and learning theory and/or learning preferences. Tutors are encouraged to regularly reflect on the training received, tutoring habits, how to address the challenges faced by students.
"It was important for us to have all of the tutors CRLA certified because it shows our tutors are formally recognized by an internationally accepted standard of skill and training. Moreover, the certification gives positive reinforcement for tutors doing successful work from an international organization," said Matt Mattox, CAS Assistant Director of Academic Support.
CRLA certification benefits the LSU Shell Tutorial Center, the students who receive services, and the tutors themselves. Tutors are encouraged to add the completion of their university’s tutor training program to their resumes or curricula vitae to demonstrate their leadership and comprehension abilities.
To learn more about CRLA certification and standards, please visit For more information about CAS tutorial services,
About LSU Center for Academic Success
The LSU Center for Academic Success (CAS) helps students achieve the higher levels
of learning necessary for academic success in college and beyond. CAS offers services
such as free tutoring, Supplemental Instruction (SI), Academic Coaching and other
online resources. The LSU CAS is internationally recognized for more than 25 years
of work in student learning and metacognition, and is one of three university learning
centers accredited by the National College Learning Center Association.
Amanda Rabalais
LSU Student Success
B-22 Coates Hall, Baton Rouge, LA 70803